« Richard Moross on Opening a Retail Store for an E-Commerce Brand »
In Chapter 7 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, Moo.com CEO Richard Moross answers "What Has Surprised You Most About What You Have Learned by Opening a Retail Store?" Moross shares how he learned about physical space design working at design firm Imagination. After applying this in a trade show context as well as a physical product design process, he and his team take the detail-oriented products he offers from an online retailing experience to a physical one. He notes the resulting customer experience was as much about physically interacting with the products as it was interacting with the brand experience in the store. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business Moo.com. He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before Moo.com, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.

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