« Richard Moross on How to Be a More Approachable Company Leader »
In Chapter 8 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, Moo.com CEO Richard Moross answers "What Does It Mean to Perform Under Pressure in the Work That You Do?" Moross notes how he faces a daily pressure of feeling like he needs to be everywhere at once. This is compounded by the business growing both in headcount as well as geographically. He realizes these facts mean he no longer can engage with employees as frequently as in the past and works to make sure he makes himself available and approachable to compensate. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business Moo.com. He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before Moo.com, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.

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