« Richard Moross on Managing Growth as Company Nears 200 Employees »
In Chapter 9 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, Moo.com CEO Richard Moross answers "In Growing Moo, What Have Been the Headcount Milestones Where Things Changed the Most?" Moross reflects on how staff level milestones evolved the look and feel of his company. He notes important early milestones - 10, 20, 50, 100 - and what nearing 200 employees means for his company. At a technical level, it means more hierarchy and structure. At a personal level, it means Moross recognizes the reality that a progressively large global business will lose some of the intimacy you have in a small local business. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business Moo.com. He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before Moo.com, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.

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