« What Makes a Hedge Fund Business Model Sustainable - Shaheen Wirk »
In Chapter 4 of 15 in his 2010 Capture Your Flag interview with host Erik Michielsen, Bridger Capital hedge fund analyst Shaheen Wirk shares experiences through his tenure at 10 year old and counting Bridger Capital. Wirk starts with sticking with an investment approach and strategy over time and through obstacles. He also emphasizes relationships and how commitment to one another, including clients, over time brings benefits of institutional memory not seen at high turnover workplaces and industries. Wirk earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) in biology and a joint degree of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Business Administration (MD / MBA) from Duke University. He is currently a senior analyst at Bridger Capital hedge fund and is active with the Robertson Scholars Program.
Development Themes:
Establishing Trust
Lessons Learned
Relationship Building

Business & Economy

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