« How Hedge Fund Analyst and Portfolio Management Roles Differ - Shaheen Wirk »

In Chapter 12 of 15 in his 2010 Capture Your Flag interview with host Erik Michielsen, Bridger Capital hedge fund analyst Shaheen Wirk compares and contrasts a hedge fund analyst role and a hedge fund portfolio manager role. He simplifies the comparison to the analyst as a work "doer" and the portfolio manager, or PM, as a "work evaluator." In addition to organizing analyze work, a PM must also manage risk and market exposure across the body of work known as the fund. Why is this important across industries? Wirk notes these jobs, while connected on a career path, are very different. He notes the similar traits in consulting, where partners lead behind doing work to sell the work. Wirk earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) in biology and a joint degree of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Business Administration (MD / MBA) from Duke University. He is currently a senior analyst at Bridger Capital hedge fund and is active with the Robertson Scholars Program.
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