« Designing Great Products One Use Case at a Time - Ross Floate »
In Chapter 18 of 20 in his 2012 interview, branding and design strategist Ross Floate answers "What Have Your Experiences Taught You About What Makes a Product Great?" He notes a product is great when the person using it is altered for the better. He notes "product" is an assembly of features, any of which could create that altering user experience. He shares an experience designing an in-flight magazine for Qantas Airlines and how it applies to his overall approach to work. Ross Floate is a principal at Melbourne, Australia-based Floate Design Partners. Experienced in branding, design and both online and offline publishing, Floate and his team provide marketing services to clients seeking to better communicate business and culture goals via image, messaging, and story. He is a graduate of RMIT University.

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