« Yoav Gonen on How to Establish Trust When Building Relationships »
In Chapter 12 of 19 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City reporter Yoav Gonen answers "How Do You Establish Trust When Building Relationships?" A key part of Gonen's newspaper reporting job is building trust working with sources. To earn trust, Gonen tells potential sources that he must be trusting to do his job well. Letting sources down and going back on his word would hurt his reputation for fair reporting and jeopardize his job security and career. Yoav Gonen is a reporter and City Hall Bureau Chief for the New York Post daily newspaper. Previously he spent nearly six years covering the education beat for the New York Post. Gonen earned a B.A. in English from the University of Michigan and a Masters in Journalism from New York University.

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