« Why to Stop Using Email and Start Speaking to Clients - Ross Floate »
In Chapter 12 of 20 in his 2012 interview, branding and design strategist Ross Floate answers "How Are You Learning to Better Manage Long Distance Relationships?" Floate finds old forms of communication - phone calls, in-person meetings, handwritten letters - more useful than ever before. It helps him build better business and personal relationships and it helps him win new and repeat deals. Floate notes the extra time investment adds a personal touch that differentiates him from competition and creates more substantive engagement experiences. Ross Floate is a principal at Melbourne, Australia-based Floate Design Partners. Experienced in branding, design and both online and offline publishing, Floate and his team provide marketing services to clients seeking to better communicate business and culture goals via image, messaging, and story. He is a graduate of RMIT University.

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