« Why Charter Schools Polarize Education Debate - Yoav Gonen »
Yoav Gonen returns to Capture Your Flag to build upon his 2009 interview with a 2010 conversation with host Erik Michielsen. In Chapter 15 of 17, Gonen, a New York Post education reporter, discusses the public versus private debate charter schools present nationally as well as locally in New York City. Gonen highlights two specific friction inducing charter school issues. The first is that most charter schools - only 12 of 99 in New York City - are non-union. This threatens the city's teachers union, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT). The second involves space. In New York City, the space battle is the primary source of charter school negativity, as they claim unused or underutilized class space in public school facilities. Before starting his New York City newspaper reporting career, Gonen earned his BA in English from the University of Michigan and his Masters in Journalism from New York University.
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Academic Influences
Problem Solving


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