« What Defines Product Management - Ramsey Pryor »
In Chapter 21 of 22 of his 2010 Capture Your Flag interview with host Erik Michielsen, international Internet product management executive Ramsey Pryor shares what defines product management. Pryor segments product management into two groups, the building element, known as product development, and the selling element, known as product marketing. Pryor is drawn to the marketing element more, as he enjoys packaging and presenting product to customers in exciting new ways. Pryor enjoys the subtle positioning marketing challenges that are present in across many nearly identical products but highly differentiated brands such as Coke and Pepsi. Pryor earned an MBA from the University of Navarra IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain and a BA in Economics and Spanish from Northwestern University.
Development Themes:
Creative Process
Establishing Career

Business & Economy
Science & Technology

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