« Slava Rubin on How to Let Go and Hand Off Responsibility to Others »
In Chapter 7 of 15 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, Indiegogo CEO Slava Rubin answers "What Has Been Most Challenging About Handing Off Responsibilities to Others?" As a self-proclaimed control freak, Rubin struggles with the challenge of letting go and handing off responsibility to others on his team. Through co-worker support and executive coaching, Rubin learns techniques to share responsibilities with others and empower and motivate employees to take ownership of the work. Slava Rubin is CEO and co-founder of Indiegogo, the world's largest crowdfunding platform. Indiegogo empowers anyone, anywhere, anytime to raise funds for any idea—creative, cause-related or entrepreneurial. Prior to Indiegogo, Rubin worked as a management consultant. He earned his BSE degree from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

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