« Richard Moross on Lessons Learned as a Public Company Board Member »
In Chapter 14 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, Moo.com CEO Richard Moross answers "What Have You Found Most Educational About Participating on a Large Company Board of Directors?" Moross shares what he is learning about business, leadership, and management as a board member for publicly traded company Ladbrokes PLC. He gets to participate in a group effort to solve problems and plan for the future while also infusing the team with his knowledge of digital media and Internet innovation. Richard Moross is founder and CEO of award-winning online print business Moo.com. He is a member of Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and a board member at Ladbrokes PLC. Before Moo.com, Moross was a strategist at design firm Imagination. He graduated from the University of Sussex.

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