« Ramsey Pryor on Building a Work Ethic to Get the Most Out of Life »
In Chapter 1 of 16 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, product management executive Ramsey Pryor answers "Where Did You Learn Your Work Ethic?" Pryor shares how from a Baskin-Robbins job at age 14 through his current job at IBM, he has honed his work ethic. He finds project-based work with short deadlines are best for keeping him engaged and busy. His parents teach him to value life outside work and make it a priority set limits on work goals to enjoy life outside work. Pryor is a product management executive at IBM focused on cloud-based collaboration and security software products. Previously he was VP Product Marketing at Outblaze, acquired by IBM. Pryor earned an MBA from IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain and a BA in Economics and Spanish from Northwestern University.

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