« Planning Hiring Strategy at a 100-Employee Firm - Richard Moross »
In Chapter 17 of 17 in his 2012 interview, London entrepreneur and Moo.com CEO Richard Moross answers "What New Challenges Are You Facing as Your Company Grows?" Moross notes his company has reached 100 employees and is now hiring a person a week. He emphasizes 1) the importance of aligning new hires with the existing team; 2) telling the story of the company; 3) finding adaptable new hires and 4) ensuring he finds time to meet with an increasingly distributed and international team. Moross is founder and CEO of Moo.com and a leader in the London startup scene. Before starting Moo.com, an award-winning online print business, Moross was a strategist at Imagination, the world's largest independent design company. He graduated from the University of Sussex, where he majored in philosophy and politics.

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