« Michael Margolis on Life Lessons From Going to Kathmandu »
In Chapter 2 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, educator and entrepreneur Michael Margolis answers "What Have You Found Most Rewarding About Traveling to New Places?" Margolis shares how traveling to Kathmandu, Nepal informed his life perspective. While in Kathmandu, he learns more about how language can either attract or repel people. He puts this in content of his communications career working in storytelling and how to prioritize the safety of your audience. Michael Margolis is founder and president of Get Storied, an education and publishing platform dedicated to teaching the world how to think in narrative. He earned a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from Tufts University.
Development Themes:
Abroad Experience
Effective Communication
Multicultural Immersion
Priority Setting

Food, Travel & Leisure
Health Care & Well-Being

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