
« Michael Margolis on Growing into an Entrepreneurial CEO Job Role »

In Chapter 16 of 17 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, educator and entrepreneur Michael Margolis answers "Are You Feeling That As Your Business Grows and You Add More Employees and You Have Greater Responsibilities to Your Clients You Are Starting to Understand Some of the Management Boundaries That Will Appear Over Time as You Build Capacity?" Margolis understands this at a high level, sharing notes from Union Square Ventures venture capitalist Fred Wilson on keeping money in the bank, articulating vision and executing a strategy to achieve it, and recruiting the right people for the team. As a teacher honing a storytelling philosophy for business, Margolis finds it harder to find balance between developing concepts and leading as a CEO. Michael Margolis is founder and president of Get Storied, an education and publishing platform dedicated to teaching the world how to think in narrative. He earned a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from Tufts University.

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