
« Management Career Advice on Finding a Mentor - Joe Stump  »

In Chapter 9 of 14 in his 2012 interview, Internet entrepreneur Joe Stump answers "At This Point in Your Life, Where Are You Seeking Advice and Coaching?"  Stump references his goals to be a good businessman, programmer, partner, son, and brother.  He recognizes the domain specific nature of each and highlights the importance of cycling in new opinions regularly.  As his career responsibilities progressively become management focused, he turns to new mentors, including his father, who provide outside perspectives from different industries.  Joe Stump is a serial entrepreneur based in Portland, OR. He is CEO and co-founder of, a product management software company.  Previously he founded SimpleGeo, which was sold to Urban Airship in October 2011.  He advises several startups - including and ngmoco:) - as well as VC firm Freestyle Capital.  He earned a BBA in Computer Information Systems (CIS) from Eastern Michigan University. 

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