
« Leslie Kerner on How the Aspen Institute Trains Leaders of Tomorrow »

In Chapter 16 of 21 in her 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, education software company executive Leslie Kerner answers "How Did Your Aspen Institute Fellowship Contribute to Your Professional Development?" Kerner joins a NewSchools Venture Fund-sponsored fellowship leadership development program at the Aspen Institute. There she learns from education entrepreneur peers working across startups, charter schools, school districts and nonprofits. The fellowship meets twice a year and is built off dialogue-based text reading of classic books from Aristotle, Kant, and Plato as well as more modern education industry focused writing. Leslie Kerner is Senior Vice President and General Manager for the Professional Services group at Amplify, a software and services company innovating K-12 education. She is responsible for building and managing training, professional development and consulting services for schools. Previously, Kerner worked as a management consultant at Deloitte & Touche. Kerner earned an MBA from the Duke University and a BA from Northwestern University.

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