« Ken Biberaj on How Reflecting on His Past Shapes Future Decisions »
In Chapter 6 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "What Role Has Reflection Played in Shaping Your Personal Growth?" Biberaj reflects back on his past - going through notes, watching videos, etc. - because he sees his past as what has laid a foundation for his future. As a politician, he also is reminded that reflecting back on past voter conversations by following up with phone calls helps him stay current and engaged with his community. Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.

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