« Ken Biberaj on Getting Political Endorsements Running for Office »
In Chapter 11 of 23 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, New York City Council Candidate Ken Biberaj answers "As a Candidate for Public Office, How Are You Going About Asking for Endorsements?" While campaigning, Biberaj regularly has voter groups representing the environment to union workers to political interests ask for meetings. He tries to meet everyone and, while an underdog, knows those relationships will matter over time if he is elected to serve his community. He also connects with influencers, including former New York Governor David Patterson, to get counsel, support, and, in some instances, an endorsement. Ken Biberaj is currently a 2013 Democratic Candidate for City Council in New York City. He is also a public relations executive for the Russian Tea Room restaurant at One Fifty Fifty Seven Corporation, a family business focused on real estate development, investment sales and retail leasing. Previously Biberaj was Florida Research Director for the Kerry-Edwards for President Campaign. Biberaj holds a JD from New York Law School, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, and a BA in Political Science from American University.

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