« How to Film a Web Comedy Series on a Budget - Matt Ruby »
In Chapter 18 of 19 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, standup comedian Matt Ruby answers "What Has Filming a Web Comedy Series Taught You About Doing More With Less?" Ruby talks about the importance of communicating a vision to onboard a talented team to work within budget constraints. He notes the more you have to prove a concept, for example showing them a script, the better chance you can onboard them. Ruby notes the importance of setting managable and realistic timeframes given the sacrifices team and crew may be making. Lastly, Ruby notes the benefit of having budget constraints and working cheaply. Matt Ruby is a standup comedian and comedy writer based in New York City. He co-produces the weekly show "Hot Soup", co-hosts the monthly show "We're All Friends Here", and manages a comedy blog "Sandpaper Suit". Ruby graduated from Northwestern University.

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