« How Community Garden Programs Transform Corporate Culture - Cathy Erway »
In Chapter 14 of 19 in her 2011 Capture Your Flag interview with Erik Michielsen, author, food writer, and rooftop gardener Cathy Erway shares how community offer potential to not only transform neighborhoods but also corporate cultures. The time and care invested in these programs offers individual and team-based rewards that improve lifestyle and experience. Erway suggests replacing pool tables and snack machines with community garden plots in open spaces for workers to farm. Gardening offers a team-building experience Erway is the author of "The Art of Eating In: How I learned to Stop Spending and Love the Stove." She writes two blogs, "Not Eating Out in New York" ( ) and "Lunch at Six Point" ( ). Erway earned her B.A. in Creative Writing from Emerson College.
Development Themes:
Community Impact
Time Management

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