« How Childhood Lessons Influence Career Choices - Mike Germano »
In Chapter 1 of 20 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, Carrot Creative social media agency CEO Mike Germano answers "What Childhood Experiences Have Been Most Fundamental in Shaping Who You Are Today?" Germano shares what he learned from his grandfather's small manufacturing business. Watching the company contract as foreign competition increased teaches Germano to pursue innovative, creative work that is more price inelastic and offers him an opportunity to create new jobs. Mike Germano is co-founder and CEO of DUMBO Brooklyn-based social media agency Carrot Creative. Previously, Germano ran for and was elected to public office in Connecticut. He is a graduate of Quinnipiac University.
Development Themes: Childhood Contribution Family Foundations Lessons Learned Life Ownership Motivation Values
Industries: Business & Economy Education Media & Publishing
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