« Getting Advice to Be a More Effective Manager - Mark Graham »
In Chapter 11 of 17 in his 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, digital media executive Mark Graham answers "At This Moment in Your Life, Where Are You Seeking Advice and Coaching?" Graham shares how he gets coaching support from his boss, VH1 editorial director Matt Muro, and Muro's boss, Dan Sacher, VH1 VP Media. By meeting each week, they help Graham learn to manage, delegate, lead, and grow in his career. Mark Graham is currently a managing editor at VH1, an MTV Networks company. Previously Graham worked in editing and writing roles at New York Magazine and Gawker Media. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a B.A. in English.
Development Themes: Aspiration Balance Coaching Continuing Education Leadership Mentoring Priority Setting
Industries: Arts & Entertainment Business & Economy Media & Publishing
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