« Doug Jaeger on Turning One Project into a Multiyear Client Relationship »
In Chapter 8 of 14 in his 2013 Capture Your Flag interview, creative director and brand marketer Doug Jaeger answers "What Experiences This Past Year Have Most Influenced the Direction of Your Company?" Jaeger shares how having a client shift from a three-month project commitment to a multiyear commitment has affected his business. It creates a sense of validation in the creative work he and his team is doing and gives him confidence to invest more in business infrastructure and systems to manage small business growth. Doug Jaeger is co-founder and creative director at JaegerSloan Inc. where he focuses on brand and experimental marketing for clients such as Squarespace, Samsung and PwC. He is an adjunct professor at New York's School of Visual Arts (SVA) and co-curator of JnrlStr. He graduated from Syracuse University.

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