« Adam Geller on Two Things to Look for in a Technical Cofounder »
In Chapter 15 of 22 in his 2014 Capture Your Flag interview, education technology entrepreneur Adam Geller answers "What Attributes Do You Feel Are Most Important in a Technical Co-Founder?" Geller looks for two things when searching for a technical co-founder. The first is to find a co-founder candidate who technically capable for the job requirements, both as they exists today and how they will evolve in the near future. Second, Geller looks for a co-founder who shares a passion for the problem being solved. Geller finds a co-founder when he meets someone who can handle the architectural and product rigor required while also being passionate about helping teachers improve. Adam Geller is founder and CEO of Edthena, a video platform enabling online teacher coaching, peer review, and group learning. He is a recent Education Ventures fellow at the Kauffman Foundation and the founder of Teach For Us, a network connecting Teach for America corps members and alumni. He earned a BA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a MA from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis.

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