Entries in Defining Fulfillment (1)


Blending Passion and Community in the Holstee Manifesto #LifecycleFilm

Over the past two years, I've had the great pleasure of meeting Dave and Michael Radparvar as well as Capture Your Flag interviewee and Sandbox Network co-founder Fabian Pfortmüller.  The inspiring threesome co-founded Holstee to create lifestyle goods that are designed with a conscience.  It's been a joy to watch the Holstee story unfold as the company has combined messaging around living life passionately and purposefully with its own design and manufacturing efforts. 

Today Holstee released their #LifeCycle film to bring the Holstee Manifestoa call to action to live a life full of intention, creativity, passion, and community - to life via a biking passion narrative in an online video medium.  


After you watch the embedded #LifecycleFilm, I invite you to watch Fabian Pfortmüller answer "What Does It Mean to Be Green?" as it relates to Holstee in his 2011 Capture Your Flag interview. 

UPDATE 11/18/11:  Wonderful Washington Post piece on "How the Holstee Manifesto Became the New 'Just Do It'."

Fabian is scheduled to come in for his Year 2 Capture Your Flag interview in early 2012 so stay tuned!

Be well. Capture Your Flag.

- Erik